Names of the Four Types of Teeth

Did you know? There are four types of teeth. Each type of tooth has a different function, sits in a different place in the mouth, and looks different from the other types of teeth. Here’s what you need to know about each type of tooth:


Molars are the teeth found in the back of the mouth. They’re broad, flat and the largest teeth in the mouth. Adults have twelve molars, including four wisdom teeth, which we’ll talk about more at the end of this article. Molars are designed to chew and grind our food.


Canine teeth are the pointy teeth found on both sides of the front of your mouth. Canines look like fangs, so they get their name from dog fangs. These teeth are also called “eye teeth,” because of their location just below the eyes. The points on these teeth make them good for ripping and tearing food.


Premolars are the teeth that come just before the molars, just after the canines. This makes premolars a transitional tooth, used to guide food back to the molars so they can do the job of chewing and grinding foods.


Incisors are the front teeth. They don’t have the broad surface area of molars, because they’re used for cutting and slicing through food. A typical adult should have four incisors on top and four incisors on the bottom, for a total of eight incisors.

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Most teeth erupt from the gums during childhood, but wisdom teeth don’t usually erupt until adulthood. Typically, wisdom teeth grow between the ages of 18 and 25. How will you know if your wisdom teeth are making problems? You’ll feel gum tenderness in the back of your mouth, and may have jaw pain.

It’s not uncommon for the mouth to be too small to accommodate the wisdom teeth. Sometimes this causes them to erupt sideways, or to come out only part of the way. Sometimes wisdom teeth will crowd other teeth in the mouth, causing them to bunch up around each other.

Wisdom teeth can also harbor a lot of bacteria, which can cause an infection in your mouth. Your dentist will help you decide if your wisdom teeth need to be removed. Some signs of trouble:

  • Jaw pain
  • Persistent bad breath
  • Tender gums
  • Bleeding gums
  • Difficulty eating
  • Headaches

Your dentist will use x-rays to decide whether your wisdom teeth need to be removed, but if you start to experience the symptoms that your wisdom teeth are making a problem, talk to your dentist.

See Your Dentist at Weninger Dentistry

At Weninger Dentistry, we can help you manage any problems with your wisdom teeth – or any of the other types of teeth! Call today or request an appointment online to make an appointment for a cleaning. If you’re having gum pain or tooth pain, call right away to see our dental professionals!