Is Flossing Really Necessary?

In a word, the answer is yes! If you are someone who avoids flossing because it is too difficult, or it takes too much time, you are not alone. We see many patients in our Tampa dental office who have many reasons for not flossing. It is true, flossing does take a little extra time and effort, but it is well worth it for improving your smile and your dental health.

If you still are not convinced, here are four simple reasons why flossing is important:

1. Flossing helps prevent gum disease.

Flossing gets rid of food particles that lodge between the gums and teeth. This helps keep gums strong, healthy and resistant to bleeding and gum disease.

2. Flossing gets rid of plaque your toothbrush can’t.

Even if you brush like a champ, there are areas between the teeth that bristles just cannot reach. Floss gets in those areas and removes the food residue that would develop into plaque.

3. Flossing freshens up your smile.

Certain foods can leave you feeling less than confident about the appearance of your smile. Taking few minutes to floss after meals will give you the assurance of a bright, clean smile.

4. Flossing doesn’t have to be difficult.

For many people,  teeth that are very close together or hard to reach can be a very understandable reason for avoiding the floss.  Fortunately there are two great products that can help – waxed dental floss and dental floss picks. You can get these at your local grocery store, and they should make flossing much easier.

Whenever you feel as though you don’t have time to floss, think about the time you’ll end up spend getting treatment for dental problems. If you have any questions about flossing or dental floss products, let us know!