3 Reasons to add Dental Cleaning to your Spring Cleaning Routine

If regular dental cleanings with your Tampa dentist are not part of your current routine, spring is a great time to get a fresh start! Regardless of how well you brush and floss, or how dedicated you are to your daily oral hygiene routine, there is no substitute for a professional dental cleaning and exam.
Our Tampa dental office recommends getting a routine dental cleaning and exam twice a year for optimal health. Here are the top three reasons for making dental cleanings a priority:
1. A dental hygienist can clean more thoroughly than you can. Dental professionals have the knowledge, skills, and instruments to provide a thorough dental teeth cleaning. Did you know that hidden plaque lurks in places you just cannot reach with your toothbrush and floss? Your hygienist has the tools and training to remove plaque from the narrowest places. Dental cleanings are the times when excess tartar, calculus, and plaque are most effectively removed from your teeth, leaving them clean, smooth, and polished.
2. Regular dental cleanings allow your dentist to stop cavities before they develop. Removing that rough and stick stuff from your teeth means getting rid of the source of cavity causing bacteria. At the time of your exam, your dentist looks for cracks, decay, and other signs of cavity formation, so that any threats can be dealt with early, while they are relatively minor problems. Some patients, especially children, may receive dental sealants and fluoride treatments for additional protection against cavity formation.
3. Serious dental problems can be identified before they escalate. Your dentist does not just look for cavities during your dental exam. Signs of periodontal disease, oral cancer, or other serious problems will also be identified and addressed. Regular dental x-rays are also taken so your dentist can spot hidden issues. Regular dental cleanings and exams for children also provide your dentist with the opportunity to monitor the development of teeth to determine if teeth straightening or wisdom tooth removal will be needed in the future.
Looking for a great Tampa area dentist to help you get on track with a dental cleaning routine? Contact us today!