Could Your Toothache be a TMJ?

If you’ve been experiencing pain or tenderness when chewing, or soreness in your jaw, you are not alone. More that 15 percent of Americans suffer from chronic facial pain. Though your first guess might be that you have a toothache, this kind of discomfort can also be the sign of another commonly overlooked condition called TMJ.

TMJ is an abbreviation for the temporomandibular joints, which are located on each side of the head and connect the lower jaw and skull. These hinge joints are flexible and allow the jaw to smoothly move during chewing, speaking, and yawning. Problems in the temporomandibular joints and chewing muscle problems are referred to as TMJ disorders, or more commonly TMJ. A source of significant pain and discomfort, TMJ is a serious issue for many people.

In addition to toothache-like pain, symptoms of TMJ disorders can include popping or cracking near the ear, dizziness, headaches, ringing in the ears, and more. In some cases, TMJ symptoms can go away without any treatment. Many times, however, TMJ problems can be caused by subtle misalignments, which means that without corrective measures, the pain will persist.

The Tampa dental experts at Weninger Dentistry have extensive experience in treating TMJ disorders. They have offered numerous patients life-changing results through a proven regime of TMJ therapy.

If you have persistent jaw, neck, or facial pain, you don’t have to live with it. Don’t wait another day to take steps toward relief. Contact us today for an appointment.