Living with Loose Dentures? Denture Implants offer a Permanent Solution

Loose dentures are a problem that goes beyond simple annoyance. Many of our denture wearing Tampa patients have complained of impaired speech as well as the inability to chew and eat nutritious foods because of loose dentures. Fortunately, we have perfected a way to secure dentures that is far more effective than messy pastes and creams. Denture implants are a permanent way to secure dentures and restore oral comfort and function.

Loose dentures are a very common problem because as people age, they experience continued bone loss in the upper and lower jaws. Denture realignment is typically necessary every three to five years to accommodate changes in the jaw. Denture implants offer an alternative, with the benefit of securing your dentures while also maintaining your jaw bone health. Denture implants also make dentures easier to maintain because dentures fit safely and securely to the denture implants without the need for daily removal. Care is as easy as normal brushing

The procedure involves four permanent, screw-retained implants, which can support an entire upper or lower denture. This solution is ideal for patients with major tooth loss or decay, and whose bone loss in the jaw is an issue, because fewer implants are needed. Since fewer implants are necessary, overall treatment time and cost are reduced. In most cases, a temporary set of teeth can be placed on the same day of surgery. The temporary teeth allow patients to resume normal activities immediately after surgery. Following a brief healing period, the final bridge is placed. Quality of life is improved, and patients enjoy full denture functioning with renewed confidence.

For more information on how Weninger Dentistry is helping Tampa denture wearers with denture implants, contact us today.

Simple Guide to Dental Implants

CONSIDERING DENTAL IMPLANTS?Download our free guide to see how dental implants can improve your smile!